The economic losses in the pharmaceutical industry can be very serious when there are no controlled temperature and humidity conditions.
Active ingredients with which tablets and pills are manufactured inside pharmaceutical laboratories require specific temperature and humidity levels to maintain their quality and durability.
Not only their ingredients are affected by inadequate levels of temperature and humidity, but also the whole manufacturing process, causing problems such as:
- Bad compression of tablets, which causes them to break easily
- Loss of quality in the tablets coating
- Tablets sticking together
- Inadequate printing on the surface of the tablets
- Alteration in chemical reactions
Furthermore, infrastructure of pharmaceutical laboratories with which the products are manufactured can be seriously damaged as a result of electrostatic discharges generated by dry conditions or by breaking or clogging of one of its parts due to high humidity levels.
In general, inadequate temperature and humidity levels increase waste and reduce productivity in the pharmaceutical industry.

We have 30 years supplying and maintaining temperature and humidity control equipment from the most reliable brands.